An Introduction
My name is James Crossman and I was born on a technical cusp. Born at a time that makes our first landing on the moon a childhood memory, I was probably one of the last high school students to use a sliderule and one of the first to see a microcomputer in the classroom. In the years since, I have worked in and around technology in a variety of ways, mostly involving computers and data communications, and branching into the ways we humans use technology to communicate with one another.
Technology as a whole (especially how it can help us and our world) has always fascinated me, so I am using the Social Media Technology of the Internet to create this site for you, dear readers. While this site spans all of my professional, and a few personal, interests, it is mostly here to serve as a technical tool to interact with people on the Internet in a responsible manner, and in a way to help others as I have been helped over the years.

While my focus here is in helping you with your needs, it may help if I first share a little about myself, my history and what I may be able to do for you, to serve as a background for our future discussions. This first post is the beginning of a brief run of five posts – one for each major category of this site – to speak a little about myself and my interests and to invite you to join the conversations here.
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